Because of the health benefits of yoga, it is becoming more and more popular among the health-conscious and athletes around the world.
David Beckham was doing it with his wife in 2010. Jessica Biel has been photographed right after doing it countless times. Jennifer Aniston has been spinning with it for years. Some of the tightest bodies in Hollywood have been doing this to prepare for the big, bad world of paparazzi and overly-critical managers, but so many people have failed to catch onto the trend.
Jennifer Aniston has admitted to including “spin-yoga” in her morning routine. David Beckham has been credited with enjoying up to two hours of intimate power yoga with his wife each week. Jessica Biel gets so excited about her yoga accomplishments that she wants to tell the world all about it.
This list could go on and on because celebrities around the world are talking about the health benefits of yoga. While many fitness trends come and go, this one has endured for decades. Good things always last, right?
The International Association of Yoga Therapists created an enlightening compilation of all the proven benefits of yoga that are two numerous to mention in this article; but I wanted to share some of those benefits with you:
Yoga is a proven way to relieve stress and, thus, the health risks associated with it.
These benefits only come from regular yoga practice.
Testimonial Evidence
I have struggled with and cried many tears because of neck pain, back pain, and debilitating migraines. The money spent on chiropractors, therapists and doctors that included adjustments, massages, shots, heat and cold only offered temporary relief.
Recently, my physical therapist started me on a yoga regimen, specifically targeted to stretch the tight facia in my body. The reduction in pain was like a gift from God! The exercises have changed my world.
Although I have only been doing the exercises for a couple of months, I expect that continuing a daily yoga routine will reverse some of the problems resulting from tight facia.
I am not a young woman, and to see these changes so quickly is amazing! I am sold on the health benefits of yoga. ~Angela Baum, Age 61
It is increasingly common to read about yoga combined with interval training, running, aggressive sprints, spin bikes, kickboxing, and a long list of other exercise forms.
Combining yoga with other exercise and sport activities not only helps keep your body in excellent shape, it prevents plateaus and boredom.
Yoga, as exercise, builds flexibility, improves balance, focus, concentration, stretches hamstrings and back muscles, strengthens ankles and arches -- all of which are critical to athletic performance.
A trending example of cross-training with Yoga is Yogalates. It integrates Yoga and Pilates into one workout.
Professional athletes are reaping the health benefits of yoga as part of their training. The NBA elites are a perfect example of this.
According to yoga trainer to the NBA superstars, Kent Katich, "Through yoga, you'll be better able to notice the little warning signs that pop up within your body and address them before they become problems."
Shaquille O'Neal, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, and Blake Griffin believe that increased flexibility from practicing yoga is the key to longevity because it aids in injury prevention.
Yoga can help any athlete with their hip joints, muscles, tendons, and knees. -- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
LeBron James credits early-morning yoga for his ability to beat cramps.
Yoga is a great way to begin a fitness lifestyle. It is also a beneficial supplement to up your game -- no matter what your athletic passion may be.
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The content of this website is for informational purposes only and not intended to be taken as a replacement for professional medical advice, care, diagnosis or treatment by a doctor, dietitian, physical therapist, nutritionist or fitness instructor.