Herbal Beauty Treatments – Natural Beauty Products You Can Make at Home 

DIY Herbal Beauty Treatments – Natural Beauty Products You Can Make at HomeLove the skin you're in because you'll wear it for the rest of your life.

Once you learn how to make natural herbal beauty treatments at home, you may never again want to buy expensive skincare products from stores or online. 

If you have the time to buy natural ingredients and mix them at home, you could save a lot of money while maintaining complete control over what you apply to your skin. Not only could this give you greater confidence in your beauty products, but it may also help you clear up acne, eliminate dry skin, fight fine lines and wrinkles, and solve other skin issues that store-bought products have failed to correct.

Rosemary Hot Oil Treatment

Is your hair thinning a little too much for your comfort? Perhaps your scalp is becoming drier with age. You can give your hair a sleek shine while stimulating hair growth and moisturizing your scalp with a quick and easy homemade hot oil treatment.

Mix about 20 drops of rosemary essential oil with an ounce of olive oil, storing it in a small brown or blue oil jar. Warm it up in your hands and apply to your hair, from the scalp down to the ends of your hair. Cover your head with a towel and leave it on for up to one hour before thoroughly washing it out with warm water.

Rosemary oil is extracted from the rosemary herb and has a minty aroma that many people enjoy working into their hair. It’s loaded with antioxidants and is known to promote hair growth and scalp health.

Homemade Bronzer Herbal Beauty Treatments

Do you wish that you could add a little color to your skin without exposing your pores to damaging sunlight? Bronzers are expensive in the makeup aisle, but you can mix your own up at home in very little time and for much less money. You only need three ingredients:

  • Arrowroot
  • Cocoa powder
  • Cinnamon

Mix these ingredients in whatever amounts needed to create the color that you would like to achieve. This may take some trial and error. Store it in a small jar or plastic container and apply with your choice of makeup brush or pad. You never have to limit that sunny glow to the summer!

Honey Face Mask

Honey Face Mask

While honey isn’t an herb, it is a natural resource that is readily available and quite useful for your skin. When you have about a half hour to spare, open your pores by taking a steamy shower, and then apply warm honey directly to your face. Leave it on for up to 25 minutes, and then wash it off with warm water. Rinse with cold water to close your pores.

Manuka honey is considered a superior source of honey because it is loaded with antioxidants that can help fight fine lines and wrinkles. It’s a great moisturizer and may give your face a fresh, youthful glow. As if that isn't enough, Manuka honey is also an antibacterial -- making it great for acne.

All-Natural Protein Mask for Hair

Protein strengthens the hair. This wonderful treat may take an hour of your time.

Gently whisk a few egg whites -- enough to saturate your hair. Apply it to dry hair. Place a shower cap over the head and wait 30-45 minutes. Shampoo and condition as usual.

Take a Tip from Catherine Zeta Jones

Katherine Zeta Jones touts the benefits of Cacay Oil.

Cacay Oil is the one of the bested-rated natural, anti-aging solutions for skin.

Benefits include:

  • improved elasticity
  • 50% more vitamin E
  • Increases long-lasing hydration
  • Contains high levels of Retinol
  • Doesn't clog pores

An Easy Natural Way to Treat Dark Spots and Uneven Skin Tone

Yes, I know this article is about herbal beauty treatments; but, this beauty treatment is fast, inexpensive, and very easy. Think of it as a bonus tip!

If you have uneven skin tone and dark spots, trying using rice powder and water as an exfoliating and bleaching mask. 

Blend rice and water to a pasty consistency. If you prefer a gentler exfoliation, blend it at a higher speed to create smaller rice particles.

After applying the mask to your face, leave it on your skin for one to two hours. It can feel a bit uncomfortable. Complete the process by rinsing with cool water, while massaging the skin in a circular motion.

Focus on the Eyes -- Correct Dark Circles and Puffiness

As my granddaughter would say, "It's easy peasy."

  1. Combine 1 egg white and 2 tsp of unused caffeinated coffee grounds.
  2. Mix until frothy.
  3. Apply around and under the eyes -- NOT above the eyes.
  4. Let dry for 10 minutes.
  5. Wipe off with a wet wash cloth.
  6. Apply coconut oil very lightly around the eyes!

You can use this beauty treatment daily.

Which herbal beauty treatments will you start with first? You never know what may work best for your skin, so pick one or two of these ideas and give them a try. With consistent application, you could find that herbal treatments are far more effective than the chemical-loaded products that you used to spend so much money buying.

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